Travel Osprey Lines - Safe, Fast, and Reliable Ferry Service!
Osprey Lines Limited operates luxurious, fast ferry service between the islands of Grenada, Carriacou and Petite Martinique in the Caribbean.
Enjoy the sundeck or sit in plush air-conditioned comfort. You'll be amazed at the breathtaking scenery along the way. Our ferries are the most convenient and time saving way to travel to Carriacou and Petite Martinique - we will save you hours in travel time each way!
We offer a range of services from shuttling passengers in keeping with tight schedules, to arranging charters for the movement of passengers and offshore supply services.

Learn More About Our Travel Destination
Osprey Lines Ltd.

Carenage, St. George's
Grenada, W.I.
Email: info@ospreylines.com
Tel: 1 (473) 440-8126 | 443-8126
​Main Office
Archibald Avenue
St. George's
Grenada, W.I.
Tel: 1 (473) 443-0503
Carenage Office
H.A. Blaize Street
St. Georges
Opening Hours:
Monday, Wednesday, Friday: 10am – 4pm
Tuesday and Thursday: 8am - 4pm
Tel: 1 (473) 440-8126
Carriacou Office
Hillsborough, Carriacou
Opening Hours:
Monday – Friday: 8am – 4pm
Tel: 1 (473) 443-8126